Tuesday, May 3, 2016

REACH at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center

Colton Amster oversees the restoration of cars like Maseratis, Ferraris, and Bugattis as the owner of Redline Restorations in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Also active in the community, Colton Amster supports organizations like the
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

The Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is among the best of the nation’s hospitals for children. It offers world-class health care while focusing on research, education, and patient advocacy.

The medical center is home to Resident Education in Advocacy and Community Health, or REACH, which helps University of Connecticut Pediatric Residency Advocacy Program students gain experience in policy, education, and advocacy as they relate to pediatric patients.

REACH participants work with community health experts over the course of the three-year program. They also complete either a community health project or mini-fellowship in health care policy as part of the program. These requirements give the next generation of pediatricians a firm foundation in the issues that will impact their patients for years to come.